Team Event 4


Team Event 4: TLC

For Time as waterfall M/F/M/F

True Form Runner (.7KM/.6KM)


10 Ring Muscle Ups

HS Walk 45ft Unbroken

10 C&J (205/145) 

HS Walk 45ft Unbroken

Time Cap: 15 minutes


This event begins with the team on the start mat (behind the rig). At the sound of the beep, the first male athlete will move to the TrueForm Runner and begin accumulating distance. When .7 kilometers have  been completed the athlete will move to the rings. When the first male athlete touches the rings, the first female athlete will be released to begin accumulating distance on the TrueForm Runner. Female athletes will accumulate .6 kilometers.  The male athlete will accumulate 10 ring muscle ups followed by a 45ft handstand walk followed by 10 clean and jerks and finally followed by another 45ft handstand walk. Each handstand walk must be performed unbroken. When the athlete has completed the last handstand walk he will drop down and move to the finish line. When the athlete has reached the finish line, and the athlete on the TrueForm runner has accumulated the required distance, the athlete on the TrueForm Runner will be released to begin the ring muscle ups, handstand walk, clean and jerks, and second handstand walk. 

If the athlete accumulating distance on the TrueForm Runner has completed the required distance before the prior athlete has moved to the finish line, that athlete must remain on the TrueForm runner until they are released. 

The athletes will go in the following order: Male- Female-Male-Female following the same pattern. 

When the team is on the finish mat together, time stops.

NOTE: The timing chip must be worn by the final member of the team to cross the finish line. Timing chip must be worn by the last female athlete to complete the workout.


The team score is the total time for completing the event.

Tiebreak: Time will be recorded after each athlete has completed the clean and jerks.

Movement Standards

TrueForm Runner

  • The athletes may not touch the monitor. The athlete may push off the front handrails for initial momentum only. Grabbing the handrails during the run for balance only is allowed. Athletes may coast over the required work, but must remain on the runner until the display reads the work required AND the athlete ahead of them has crossed to the finish line.

Ring Muscle Ups

  • The rep begins with a hang below the rings with arms fully extended (with or without a ‘false grip’) and the feet off the ground. At the top, elbows must be fully locked out while in a support position over the rings. Control must be shown at the top, pushing away from the rings before establishing lock out at the top will result in a no-rep. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required. If the heels rise above the bottom of the rings during the kip, it is a no rep. Rings will be set at a fixed height, athletes may not adjust the height of the rings.

Handstand Walk

  • The athlete must start with both of their entire hands (fingers included) behind the mark denoting the start of the segment being attempted. Athletes must walk forward - backward or sideways HS walk are not permitted. If the athlete comes down at any time, the athlete must reset to the beginning of the failed segment. Both hands, including palms and fingers, must clearly pass the line marking the end of each section to earn credit for that distance. Athletes must stay within their lane as they travel forward.

Clean and Jerk

  • The barbell begins on the ground and is brought to the shoulders in one continuous motion in either a power, squat, or split clean. A hang clean is not permitted. The athlete will then perform a shoulder to overhead however they see fit (shoulder press, push press, push jerk, or split jerk are all acceptable). The rep is credited once the athlete is standing tall with the weight locked out overhead, feet underneath the hips. Athlete must stay within the 5’ box that the bar is staged in, failure to do so will result in a no rep.