Team Division Standards
The following writeup is a list of divisional standards to help athletes decide what Division to choose for the 2019 MACC Online Qualifier. Note that these movement standards are just used to help an athlete choose a division. There is no guarantee that these weights and movements will be exactly how the Online Qualifier or Main event will be programmed.
Elite Team
This division is meant for Elite/Games Level Teams. This is the most competitive Division we offer, with the winner of the Main Event in this Division securing a spot at the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games.
Rx Team
Athletes competing in the Rx Division should be able to complete most “Girl Workouts” as “Rx”, and all members of the team have the ability to complete the following movements/weights in a workout setting. Note these are not 1 Rep Max numbers, but skills/weights associated with the athlete repeating them in a workout.
C2B Pullups and Toes to Bar
Thrusters and Overhead Squats at 115/75
Deadlifts at 225/155
Clean and Jerks at 155/105
Box Jumps 24/20”
Rope Climbs
Double Unders
Scaled Team
Athletes competing in the Scaled Division should have all members of the team with the ability to complete the following movements/weights in a workout setting. Note these are not 1 Rep Max numbers, but skills/weights associated with the athlete repeating them in a workout.
Thrusters and Overhead Squats at 95/65
Deadlifts at 205/135
Clean and Jerks at 135/95
Box Jumps 24/20”
Rope Climbs
Double Unders
Remember all of the Division Standards above are just generalizations of what the athlete should have in the toolbox in able to compete in a particular division. This is by no means an indication of what the workouts for the qualifier or Main Event will include, but again just a list to help athletes choose which Division is right for them.