MACC FEST Workouts


WOD 1 - “OG”


Presented by MD Army National Guard

8 Minute to Find - Males

1 RM Snatch + 1 RM Clean and Jerk

-1 minute transition-

8 Minute to Find - Females

1 RM Snatch + 1 RM Clean and Jerk

Score is total for women and total for men

Time Cap: 17 minutes


At the call of “3, 2, 1 ... Go,” both male Athletes will move onto the platform. One Athlete will complete a snatch for max load and one Athlete will complete a clean and jerk for max load. The Athletes will be allowed as many attempts as they want within the 8 minute time cap. The Athletes may not switch movements. Attempts are allowed to be made in any order. At the 8 minute mark the men’s bar will be removed and the female bar will be placed on the platform. There will be a one minute transition. At the 9 minute the female Athletes will then have 8 minutes to find a max lift for snatch and clean and jerk following the same structure. The workout will contain two separate scores; one score for total weight lifted by the male pair and one score for total weight lifted by the female pair. 

Movement Standards

Snatch - The Athlete will move the bar from the ground to overhead in one smooth motion. Stopping at the shoulder is not permitted. Power Snatch is allowed. The rep will be completed when the Athlete stands up to full extension with the bar overhead and both feet under hips.The athlete may not touch the platform with any part of the body other than the feet. Hang snatch is not allowed

Clean and Jerk - The Athlete will move the bar from the ground to the shoulder in one smooth motion. The Athlete will then take the bar from the shoulder to overhead. Power variations are allowed. The rep will be completed when the Athlete stands up to full extension with the bar overhead and both feet under the hips. The athlete may not touch the platform with any part of the body other than the feet. Hang clean is not allowed.

WOD 2 - “Romeo and Juliet”


Presented by Rx Smart Gear

For time in M/F Pairs

Pair 1

3 Rounds for Time:

50 Double Unders (Rx Plus & Rx) or 30 Double Unders (Scaled)

15 Synchro Thrusters Rx+(135/95) Rx(115/75) Sc(95/65)

10 Synchro Bar Muscle Ups (Rx+) / 15 Synchro Chest to Bar (Rx) / 15 Synchro Pullups (Sc)


Pair 2

150 Double Unders (Rx Plus & Rx) or 90 Double Unders (Scaled)

45 Synchro Thrusters Rx+(135/95) Rx(115/75) Sc(95/65)

30 Synchro Bar Muscle Ups (Rx+)/ 45 Synchro Chest to Bar (Rx) /45 Synchro Pullups (Sc)

Score is Time

Time Cap: 20 minutes



At the call of 3,2,1, Go the first Male/Female pair will move to the jump rope and complete 50 double unders (Rx Plus & Rx) or 30 double unders (Scaled). They may divide the work however they choose but only one athlete will be working at a time. Upon completion of the double unders the pair will leave the rope in the same section and move to the barbell and complete 15 synchro thrusters. Upon completion, the pair will move to the rig and complete the designated number of synchro bar muscle ups, chest to bar pullups, or chin over bar pullups.  Athletes will move back to the rope and move forward to the next section to begin the second round. They will continue this pattern for two more rounds for a total of three rounds. When the pair has completed the third round they will move to the finish mat. When both athletes have reached the finish mat the second Male/Female pair will be released to begin their portion of the workout. 

The second Male/Female Pair will move to the jump rope and complete 150 double unders (Rx Plus & Rx) or 90 double unders (Scaled). Again they may divide the work however they choose but only one athlete will be working at a time. Upon completion of the double unders the pair will move to the barbell and complete 45 synchro thrusters. Upon completion, the pair will move to the rig and complete the designated number of synchro bar muscle ups, chest to bar pullups, or chin over bar pullups. Upon completion of the designated gymnastics movement, the pair will move to the finish line where time will be called. 

Movement Standards

Synchro Bar Muscle Ups - In the muscle up, the Athlete must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the bar, with the arms fully extended (with or without a false grip) and the feet off the ground. The heels may not rise above the height of the bar during the kip. The Athlete must pass through a portion of a dip and the elbows must be fully locked out while in the support position above the bar. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the bar is required. The Athlete may not rest on the bar with any part of the body touching except the hands. The hands must remain on the pull-up bar at all times. The synchro portion of the movement is at the top of the muscle-up. If one athlete fails the other may wait at the top in a fully locked out position with hands remaining on the bar. 

Synchro Chest to Bar Pullups - This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom with the feet off the ground. At the top, the chest must clearly come into contact with the bar, below the collarbone. The synchro portion of the movement is when the chest is in contact with the bar. 

Synchro Chin Over Bar Pull-up - This is a standard pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom with the feet off the ground. At the top, the chin must clearly break the plane of the pull-up bar. The synchro portion of the movement is when the chin breaks the plane of the pull-up bar. 

Double Unders - This is the standard double under in which the rope passes completely under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.

Synchro Thruster - This is a standard thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lockout overhead. The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position. The barbell must come to a full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the barbell directly over the body. The synchro portion of this movement will be overhead with both athletes reaching full extension at the same time. 

WOD 3 - “Do You Want to Play a Game?”


Presented by Rogue Fitness

For time:

Round 1

15 Worm Clean and Jerks

600m Run (All 4 Athletes)


Round 2

15 Worm Clean and Jerks

600m Run (3 Athletes) + Burpees Over Worm (1 Athlete) (Rx+ and Rx 30) (Scaled 25)


Round 3

15 Worm Clean and Jerks

600m Run (2 Athletes) + Burpees Over Worm (2 Athletes) (Rx+ and Rx 30) (Scaled 25)


Round 4

15 Worm Clean and Jerks

600m Run (1 Athletes) + Burpees Over Worm (3  Athletes) (Rx+ and Rx 30) (Scaled 25)

Score is Time

*The tiebreaker will be the elapsed time in Round 4 when 3 athletes finish burpees over worm.

Time Cap: 28 minutes


Round 1:
At the call of 3,2,1, Go the team will move to the worm and begin performing 15 worm clean and jerks. Upon completion of the worm clean and jerks the team will move the worm forward and drop it in the designated space. The team will then move to the end of their lane and exit the stadium following the designated route. The team will complete the run course and enter the stadium from the opposite side and then enter their lane to begin round 2.

Round 2:
The team will then complete another 15 worm clean and jerks and then move the worm forward to the designated space.  3 members will head out of the stadium to complete their 2nd run while 1 member remains at the worm to complete the required number of  burpees over the worm. When both the run course and burpees over the worm have been completed the team will begin round 3.

Round 3:
The team will then complete another 15 worm clean and jerks and then move the worm forward to the designated space.  2 members will head out the stadium to complete their 3rd run while the 2 member remain at the worm to complete the required number of synchro burpees over the worm. When both the run course and  burpees over the worm have been completed the team will begin round 4.

Round 4:
The team will then complete another 15 worm clean and jerks and then move the worm forward to the designated space.  1 member will head out the stadium to complete their 4th run while the 3 member remain at the worm to complete the required number of synchro burpees over the worm. When both the run course and  burpees over the worm have been completed the team will pick up the worm and return it back to the start line where time will be called.

Note: Once a team member starts the burpees they will be required to remain on the burpees for the remainder of the workout. They will NOT be allowed to complete burpees for one round and then switch back to the run for a following round.  

Movement Standards

Worm Clean and Jerks - Each rep begins with the worm on the floor. All teammates must lift the worm to the shoulder in one smooth motion. The worm must be resting on the shoulder of all 4 Athletes at the same time before the jerk portion begins. Each rep of the jerk begins with the worm on the shoulders and finishes with the worm resting on the opposite shoulder. The worm must be moved by all teammates to the opposite shoulder at the same time and must be in contact with the shoulder simultaneously for the rep to count. The worm then must go to the floor and be touching the floor simultaneously before starting the next rep.

Synchro Burpees over Worm - Each Athlete must be parallel to the worm, with chest and thighs touching the ground. They can get down and come up from the burpee however they like, but each Athlete MUST jump over the worm with a two foot takeoff and landing. The rep is counted when all Athletes get to the floor on the opposite of the worm. Two Athletes will be on one side of the worm and two Athletes on the other in alternating fashion. The synchro portion of the movement will occur at the bottom of the burpee.The athlete may not touch the worm during the jump over.  

Run - The athlete will exit the field of play following the displayed signage. The athlete will follow the designated course until returning back to the field of play from the opposite side.

WOD 4 - “Too Soon, Junior”


Presented by LRX Apparel

For Time: (M1/F1/M2/F2)

15/12 Cal Echo Bike

10 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch Rx+(50/35) Rx(50/35) Sc(35/20)

15 Box Jump Overs Rx+(30/24) Rx(30/24) Sc(24/20)

10 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch

15/12 Cal Echo Bike

Score is Time

Time Cap: 18 minutes


Athletes will complete the workout in the following order: Male, Female, Male, Female.

At the call of “3, 2, 1 ... Go,” the first male athlete will move to the Echo Bike and accumulate 15 calories. The athlete will then move to the dumbbells and complete 10 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatches. When 10 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatches are complete the athlete will move to the box and complete 15 Box Jump Overs at the prescribed height. When 15 Box Jump Overs are complete the athlete will move back to the dumbbells and again complete 10 Double Dumbbell Hang Snatches. Finally, the athlete will move back to the Echo bike and complete 15 calories. When 15 calories are complete the athlete will move to the finish line. The first female athlete will be released to begin when the first athlete reaches the finish line. The female athlete will follow the same pattern however they will be required to complete 12 calories at the beginning and end on the Echo Bike. When the first female athlete completes the workout and reaches the finish line the second male athlete will be released to begin the workout. The athlete will follow the same pattern as the first male athlete. When the second male athlete completes the workout and reaches the finish line the second female athlete will be released to begin the workout. The athlete will follow the same pattern as the first male athlete. Time will be called when the second female athlete crosses the finish line. 

Movement Standards

Bike - The monitor will be set to count up as the athlete works. The athlete may not touch the monitor. The monitor will be reset between each round. 

Box Jump Over - The athlete will start facing the box and MUST jump with a two foot takeoff. The athlete does NOT need to reach full extension at the top of the box and may get down to the opposite side however they please, whether jumping off the box or stepping down. The athlete may not touch any part of their body to the box during the rep, other than their feet. The rep is counted when the athlete gets to the floor on the opposite side of the box.

Double Dumbbell Hang Snatch - Athletes will start with the dumbbells on the ground. The Athlete will then stand to full extension with both dumbbells in the hand. The athlete will snatch or swing both dumbbells from the hang position simultaneously and finish with both locked out overhead with hips, knees, shoulders, and arms at full extension; this shall indicate a completed repetition. The Athlete may NOT pause at the shoulders and press the dumbbells. The hang position will be designated as any position in which the dumbbells are below the hip but not touching the floor. 

WOD 5 - “Catalina Wine Mixer”


Presented by victory grips

For time in M/F Pairs

30 Worm Push Press

Synchro Toes to Bar Rx+(75) Rx(60) Sc(40) + Rope Climbs Rx+(15) Rx(12) Sc(9)

30 Worm Push Press

Synchro Toes to Bar Rx+(75) Rx(60) Sc(40) + Rope Climbs Rx+(15) Rx(12) Sc(9)

30 Worm Push Press

Score is Time

Time Cap: 18 minutes


At the call of 3,2,1, GO the team will move to the worm and complete 30 worm push presses. Upon completion of the push press the team will move the worm forward to the designated spot and then 1 male and 1 female will move to the rig and begin the prescribed number of Synchro Toes To Bar. The other male and female will move to the rig and begin the prescribed number of Rope Climbs. Each pair will be working at the same time. Once pairs have been established they will remain for the entirety of the workout. Upon completion of the required number of synchro Toes to Bar and Rope Climbs all 4 members will move back to the worm and complete another 30 Push Presses. Upon completion of the push press the team will move the worm forward to the designated spot and then 1 male and 1 female will move to the rig and begin the prescribed number of Synchro Toes To Bar. The other male and female will move to the rig and begin the prescribed number of Rope Climbs. The Pairs are REQUIRED to perform the movement they did not complete previously. Upon completion of the required number of synchro Toes to Bar and Rope Climbs all 4 members will move back to the worm and complete another 30 Push Presses. The team will then drop the worm and move to the finish line where time will be called. 

Movement Standards

Synchro Toes to Bar - In the toes-to-bar, the athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. At the start of each rep, the arms must be fully extended with the feet off the ground, and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and the rest of the body. Both feet must come into contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. The synchro portion is when the toes of both athletes are in contact with the bar.

Rope Climb - The Athlete will move to the top of the rope and touch the designated area on the crossbeam. The rep will be completed when the Athlete reaches the floor. 

Worm Push Press - Each rep of the shoulder to overhead begins with the worm on the shoulders and finishes with the worm resting on the opposite shoulder. The worm must be moved by all teammates to the opposite shoulder at the same time and must be in contact with the shoulder simultaneously for the rep to count.