Individual Event 4


Individual Event 4: The MACC Mile

For Time:

4 Rounds for Time:

400m Trueform

30 Wall Balls (20/14)

20 C2B Pullups

80’ Tank Push

10 Sandbag to Shoulder (150/100)

80’ Tank Push

Time Cap: 25 minutes


This event begins with the athlete standing on the TrueForm Runner. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will begin accumulating meters. When 400 meters have been accumulated the athlete will move to the wall ball and begin accumulating reps of wall balls shots. When 30 wall balls shots have been completed the athlete will move to the pullup bar and begin accumulating reps of chest to bar pullups. When 20 chest to bar pullups have been completed the athlete will move to the Tank and begin pushing towards the finish line. The athlete will be permitted to use the low bar handles only. When the Tank has completely crossed the designated line the athlete will move to the sandbag and begin accumulating reps of sandbag to shoulder. When 10 sandbag to shoulder have been completed the athlete will move the sandbag to the next designated section and then return to the Tank. The athlete will push the Tank back towards the starting mat; again using the low bar handles only. When the Tank has completely crossed the designated line the athlete will move to the TrueForm Runner to start Round 2. The athlete will continue this pattern for 3 more rounds, moving the sandbag forward after every round. After the Fourth round of sandbag to shoulder the athlete WILL NOT push the tank back towards the starting mat; but will instead move to the finish line.  When the athlete reaches the finish mat, time stops.


The athlete's score is his or her total time for completing the event.

Movement Standards

TrueForm Runner

  • The athletes may not touch the monitor. The athlete may push off the front handrails for initial momentum only. Grabbing the handrails during the run for balance only is allowed. Athletes must remain on the runner until the display reads the work required. The athlete may coast over the required work, but cannot make an attempt to get off the runner until they are past the required work. Athlete must exit the Truform from behind and NOT go under the handrails.

Wall Ball Shots

  • In the wall ball, the medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease passing clearly below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must make contact with the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits below or does not hit the target it is a no rep. If the ball hits the ground it must come to a rest before initiating the next rep. Taking the ball from the rebound into the next rep is a no rep.

Chest to Bar Pullups

  • This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top, the chest must clearly come into contact with the bar, below the collarbone.

Sandbag to Shoulder

  • The sandbag will start from the ground where they will move it to their shoulder however they see fit. The athlete must be fully standing with the sandbag on their shoulder, showing full extension at both the knees and hips before dropping the sandbag. The athelete must always work within their box and facing the finish line.