Individual Workout 19.5
“Nasty Girls Love DT”
3 Sets for Time:
50 Air Squats
7 Ring Muscle Ups
1 Round of “DT”
12 Deadlifts (185/125)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Shoulder To Overhead
Score is Time.
The Tiebreaker for this event is the time when the first round is completed.
The Time Cap is 30 minutes for this workout.
If an athlete fails to finish the entire workout within the 30-minute time cap, the score is 30:00, plus a one-second penalty for each rep not completed.
A fun mashup of two classic CrossFit benchmark WODs. Nasty Girls Love DT is going to be 3 rounds for time. At the call of 3,2,1 Go the athlete will start by completing 50 air squats, then they move to a set rings to complete 7 Ring Muscle Ups. Once the ring muscle ups are finished the athlete will head to the barbell to complete a round of DT which is 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans and 6 Shoulder to OH. This is one round of the 3 round workout. When 3 total rounds are completed the time is recorded as their score.
Score is time.
The Tiebreaker for this event is the time when the first round is completed.
The Time Cap is 30 minutes for this workout.
If an athlete fails to finish the entire workout within the 30-minute time cap, the score is 30:00, plus a one-second penalty for each rep not completed.
Movement Standards:
Air Squat: This is your standard air squat, with the athlete starting in a fully extended position, hips and knees extended. They will pass through a full squat with hip crease below the knee and stand back up into a fully extended position.
Ring Muscle Up: In the muscle-up, the athlete must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the rings, with the arms fully extended (with or without a false grip) and the feet off the ground. The heels may not rise above the height of the rings during the kip. The elbows must be fully locked out while in the support position above the rings. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required.
Deadlift: This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed. Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. No bouncing.
Hang Power Clean: The bar must start in the hang position, with the body fully extended and arms straight. Once the starting position is achieved the athlete may complete a hang power clean using any hang position they like as long as the bar stays above the knees. At the top the elbows must be in front of the bar, with the hips and knees fully extended.
Shoulder to Overhead: Each rep of the shoulder to overhead begins with the barbell on the shoulders and finishes with the weight fully locked out overhead and over the middle of the body. The athlete may use any type of shoulder to overhead movement (Strict Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk), but the ending position of overhead with the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees fully extended, and feet in line must be achieved before the rep is complete.
Video Submission:
Remember that videos are NOT required when submitting a score; an Affiliate Owner can verify your scores. Elite Division athletes, however should be videoing ALL workouts because at the conclusion of the qualifier, 1-2 random workout videos will be asked of the athletes. These videos are required to verify your score in the Elite Division for both Team and Individuals.
Prior to starting, film the weights on the barbell to ensure correct loading has been achieved. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. A clock or timer with the running workout time clearly visible should be in the frame throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video from an angle so all exercises can be clearly seen meeting the movement standards. Athletes must stay in the frame for the entire video. Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause.