MACC Team Qualifier Workout 20.2
Presented by:
Team Workout 20.2
“Encino Man”
For Time:
Athlete 1:
150 Double Unders
40 Strict HSPU
10 DB Squat Cleans
Athlete 2:
150 Double Unders
30 Strict HSPU
20 DB Squat Cleans
Athlete 3:
150 Double Unders
20 Strict HSPU
30 DB Squat Cleans
Athlete 4:
150 Double Unders
10 Strict HSPU
40 DB Squat Cleans
Score is time.
Strict HSPU
Dumbbells 50/35lb
Kipping HSPU
Dumbbells 50/35lb
Single Unders
Double DB Push Press
Dumbbells 35/20lb
At the call of 3,2,1 Go Athlete 1 will move to the jump rope and complete 150 double unders followed by 40 Handstand Pushups, and finally 10 DB Squat cleans. Athlete 1 will then tag off to Athlete 2 who will complete 150 double unders, 30 Handstand Pushups, and finally 20 DB Squat Cleans. Athlete 2 will then tag off to Athlete 3 who will complete 150 double unders, 20 Handstand Pushups,, and finally 30 DB squat cleans. Athlete 3 will then tag off to Athlete 4 who will complete 150 double unders, 10 Handstand Pushups,, and finally 40 squat cleans. Time will be called at the completion of the last squat clean.
Score is time.
Time Cap: 30 minutes
Movement Standards
Double Unders- This is the standard double under in which the rope passes completely under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.
Single Unders- This is the standard single under in which the rope passes completely under the feet once for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.
Dumbbell Squat Cleans- The dumbbells will begin on the ground, either outside or inside the athlete’s feet. The dumbbells must come up to the shoulders in one motion with the rear head of the dumbbell clearly above or slightly behind the center of the athlete’s body.The athlete must break parallel into full squat depth before standing up to hips and knees fully extended. Touch-and-go is permitted, and only one head of each dumbbell is required to touch the floor between repetitions.
Strict Handstand Pushups- The athlete will begin the rep inverted with shoulders and elbows fully extended, hips open, and heels touching the wall. The athlete will then lower themselves until the head clearly touches the ground. From there the athlete will then return to the starting position and finish the rep with elbows and shoulders at full extension, hips open and heels touching the wall. If any part of the body other than the heels touch the wall or feet move beyond the width of the hands it is a no rep. Kipping or assisting with the legs is not allowed. During the entirety of the movement both palms of the hands must remain within the dimensions of the box. Fingers may extend over the edges of the box. The dimensions of the box will be 24 inches deep (measured from the wall) x 36 inches wide.
Kipping Handstand Pushups- The athlete will begin the rep inverted with shoulders and elbows fully extended, hips open, and heels touching the wall. The athlete will then lower themselves until the head clearly touches the ground. From there the athlete will then return to the starting position and finish the rep with elbows and shoulders at full extension, hips open and heels touching the wall.The athlete may touch the wall with the hips but nothing other than the feet can be touching the wall at the completion of the rep. Kipping or assisting with the legs is allowed. During the entirety of the movement both palms of the hands must remain within the dimensions of the box. Fingers may extend over the edges of the box. The dimensions of the box will be 24 inches deep (measured from the wall) x 36 inches wide.
Double Dumbbell Push Press- Each rep of the dumbbell push press begins with one head of the dumbbell on the shoulders and finishes with the weight fully locked out overhead and over the middle of the body. The athlete may initiate the movement with a dip but the knees must remain locked out through the remainder of the movement. Jerks are not allowed. The ending position will be overhead with the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees fully extended, and feet in line.
Video Submission:
Elite Teams: Videos are REQUIRED when submitting a score.
Rx/Scaled Teams: An affiliate manager is required to judge your workout.
Prior to starting, film the dumbbells and the dimensions of the HSPU box (if applicable) to be used so the loads/measurements can be seen clearly. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. A clock or timer with the running workout time clearly visible should be in the frame throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video from an angle so all exercises can be clearly seen meeting the movement standards and athletes must stay in the frame for the entire video. Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause.