MACC Individual Event 2



Individual Event 2

“Need for Speed II”

For time:

40' Torque Tank Push Down

45 Cal Ski Erg

40’ Torque Tank Push Back

45 Chest to Bar Pullups

40' Torque Tank Push Down 

30 Cal Ski Erg

40' Torque Tank Push Back 

30 Chest to Bar Pullups

40' Torque Tank Push Down 

15 Cal Ski Erg

40' Torque Tank Push Back 

15 Chest to Bar Pullups

40’ Torque Tank Push Down 

If an athlete fails to finish the entire workout within the 12-minute time cap, the score will be given the CAP designation plus the number of reps not completed.

Score is time.




At the call of “3, 2, 1 ... Go’ the athlete will move to the Torque Tank and begin pushing towards the opposite end of the floor. The athlete will continue pushing until all wheels have completely passed the designated line. The athlete will then move to the ski erg and begin accumulating calories. When 45 calories have been completed the athlete will move back to the Torque Tank and begin pushing back towards the starting point. The athlete will push back to the starting line until all wheels have completely passed the designated line. The athlete will then move to the pullup bar and begin accumulating reps of Chest to Bar Pullups. When the athlete has accumulated 45 chest to bar pullups they will move back to Torque Tank and again push until all wheels have crossed the line. The athlete will then move to the ski erg and follow the same pattern for two more rounds with a descending rep scheme of 30 calories and 30 chest to bar pullups followed by 15 calories and 15 chest to bar. The Torque Tank will remain at 40 feet. When the athlete has completed the 15 chest to bar pullups they will complete a final push of the Torque Tank and then move to the finish line where time will be called.

Movement Standards:

Ski - The monitor will be set to calories and count up as the athlete works. The athlete may not touch the monitor. The monitor will be reset between each round.

Chest to Bar Pull-up - This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom with the feet off the ground. At the top, the chest must clearly come into contact with the bar, below the collarbone. 

Torque Tank Push - The athlete will move down their lane with their hands on the bars of the Torque Tank. The athlete will push the Torque Tank until all four wheels have crossed the designated line. The athlete may not pull or drag the Torque Tank. The Torque Tank must stay fully inside of the athletes lane. The athlete may not touch the magnetic lever on the Torque Tank. All 4 wheels of the Torque Tank must be on the floor at all times.