MACC Team Event 3



Team Event 3


For time

3 rounds - Male/Female Pair

30 Synchro Kipping Handstand Pushups

20 Synchro Chest to Bar Pullups

10 Clean and Jerks


50 Worm Thrusters


3 rounds- Male/Female Pair

30 Synchro Kipping Handstand Pushups

20 Synchro Chest to Bar Pullups

10 Clean and Jerks

Male: 205lb barbell

Female: 145lb barbell

If a team fails to finish the entire workout within the 25-minute time cap, the score will be given the CAP designation plus the number of reps not completed.

Score is time.




At the call of “3, 2, 1 ... Go,” 1 male athlete and 1 female athlete will move to the handstand pushup stations and begin accumulating reps. The remaining male athlete and female athlete will move to the worm. The first pair will accumulate 30 reps of synchro handstand pushups. The synchro portion is at the top of the rep. When 30 handstand pushups are completed the pair will move to the pullup bar and complete 20 synchro chest to bar pullups. The synchro portion is when the chest is in contact with the bar. When 20 chest to bar pullups are completed the athletes will move to the first set of barbells. There is no synchro portion for this movement and only 1 athlete will be working at a time. The athletes will accumulate a total of 10 clean and jerks. There is no minimum work requirement for this portion and athletes may divide the reps however they chose. Only 1 athlete may be touching the barbell at a time. The non working athlete must remain behind the designated line. When 10 clean and jerks have been completed both athletes will move their bars forward to the designated spot and then move back to the handstand pushup station and follow the pattern above for two more rounds. At the completion of the third round all 4 athletes will move to the worm and accumulate 50 synchro worm thrusters. The synchro portion is at the bottom of the squat. When 50 worm thrusters have been completed the pair that has not yet completed the 3 rounds will move to the handstand pushup station and follow the same pattern. The second pair will utilize the barbells at the further end of the floor. The pair that has completed the 3 rounds will remain at the worm. When the second pair has completed all 3 rounds following the pattern above the entire team will move to the finish line where time will be called.

Movement Standards:

Synchro Handstand Pushup - The athlete will begin the rep inverted with shoulders and elbows fully extended, hips open, and heels touching the wall. The athlete will position hands inside of a box 36” in width and 24” depth. The athlete will be permitted to have fingers touching the tape lined. If the athlete's palms touch the taped line at any time it will be considered a no rep. The athlete will then lower themselves until the head clearly touches the ground. From there the athlete will then return to the starting position and finish the rep with elbows and shoulders at full extension, hips open and heels touching the wall. If the feet move beyond the width of the hands it is a no rep. Kipping or assisting with the legs is permitted. During the entirety of the movement both palms of the hands must remain within the dimensions of the box. Fingers may extend over the edges of the box. The dimensions of the box will be 24 inches deep (measured from the wall) x 36 inches wide. The synchro portion of the rep will be counted at full extension.

Synchro Chest To Bar - This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom with the feet off the ground. At the top, the chest must clearly come into contact with the bar, below the collarbone. The synchro portion of the movement is when the chest is in contact with the bar. 

Clean and Jerk -  The athlete will move the bar from the ground to the shoulder in one smooth motion. The athlete will then take the bar from the shoulder to overhead. Power variations are allowed. The rep will be completed when the athlete stands up to full extension with the bar overhead and both feet under the hips. The athlete may not touch the platform with any part of the body other than the feet. Hang clean is not allowed.

Worm Thrusters - The worm thruster starts with the worm on the same shoulder for all athletes. The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position. The synchro portion of this movement is at the bottom of the squat. At the top, each athlete's hips and knees must be fully extended as the worm is lifted over the athletes' heads and moved to their opposite shoulder. The arms do not need to reach full extension as the worm is moved overhead.