MACC Team Event 6



Team Event 6

“Save the Last Dance”

Part 1 - Female/Male/Female/Male

For Time:

15 Ring Muscle-ups

15 Snatches

30/21 cal row

(5 min Transition)

Part 2 - All 4 Team Members

For time:

10 Worm Deadlifts

5 Synchro Worm Burpees

20 Worm Deadlifts

10 Synchro Worm Burpees

30 Worm Deadlifts

15 Synchro Worm Burpees

40 Worm Deadlifts

20 Synchro Worm Burpees

Male: 115lb barbell

Female: 75lb barbell

Part 1- If the team fails to finish the workout within the 20-minute time cap, the score will be given the CAP designation plus the number of reps not completed.

Part 2- If the team fails to finish the workout within the 12-minute time cap, the score will be given the CAP designation plus the number of reps not completed.

This workout contains 2 separate scores. All scores are for time.




Part 1

At the call of “3, 2, 1 ... Go” one athlete will move to the rings and begin accumulating reps of ring muscle-ups. When the athlete has completed 15 ring muscle-ups, the athlete will move to the barbell and begin accumulating reps of power snatches. When the athlete has completed 15 power snatches, the athlete will move to the row and begin accumulating row calories. When the athlete has completed the required number of row calories (30 calories for the males and 21 calories for the females) the athlete will move to the finish line. When the first athlete reaches the finish line the second athlete will be released to begin; following the same pattern. All 4 athletes will move through this workout in the same format. 

There will be a 5 minute transition between the time cap and the start of part 2

Part 2

At the call of “3, 2, 1 ... Go” all four athletes will move to the worm and begin accumulating reps of worm deadlifts. When 10 worm deadlifts have been accumulated the team will drop the worm and begin accumulating reps of synchro burpees over the worm. The synchro portion is at the bottom of the burpee. When 5 synchro burpees have been accumulated the team will pick up the worm and move it to the designated spot. The worm must be moved to the shoulders before moving forward. When the team reaches the designated spot they will drop the worm and begin accumulating reps of worm deadlifts. When 20 worm deadlifts have been accumulated the team will drop the worm and begin accumulating reps of synchro burpees over the worm. When 10 synchro burpees have been accumulated the team will pick up the worm and move it to the designated spot and begin accumulating reps of worm deadlifts. When 30 worm deadlifts have been accumulated the team will drop the worm and begin accumulating reps of synchro burpees over the worm. When 15 synchro burpees have been accumulated the team will pick up the worm and move it to the designated spot and begin accumulating reps of worm deadlifts. When 40 worm deadlifts have been accumulated the team will drop the worm and begin accumulating reps of synchro burpees over the worm. When 20 synchro burpees have been accumulated the team will move to the finish line where time will be called.

Movement Standards:

Ring Muscle-up - In the muscle-up, the athlete must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the rings, with the arms fully extended (with or without a false grip) and both feet off the ground. The heels may not rise above the height of the rings during the kip. The athlete must pass through a portion of the dip and the elbows must be fully locked out while in the support position above the rings. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required. 

Snatch - The athlete will move the bar from the ground to overhead in one smooth motion. Stopping at the shoulder is not permitted. Power Snatch is allowed. The rep will be completed when the athlete stands up to full extension with the bar overhead and both feet under hips.The athlete may not touch the platform with any part of the body other than the feet. Hang snatch is not allowed.

Row - The monitor will be set to count up as the athlete works. The athlete may not touch the monitor. The monitor will be reset between each round.

Worm Deadlift - Starting at the floor, the worm is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the worm. The arms must be straight throughout. All teammates must be on the same side of the worm. All teammates must be standing at full extension simultaneously to complete the rep. Straddling the worm is not allowed.

Synchro Burpee over Worm - Each athlete must be parallel to the worm, with chest and thighs touching the ground. They can get down and come up from the burpee however they like, but each athlete MUST jump over the worm with a two foot takeoff and landing. The rep is counted when all Athletes get to the floor on the opposite of the worm. Two athletes will be on one side of the worm and two athletes on the other in alternating fashion. The synchro portion of the movement will occur at the bottom of the burpee. If the athlete receives a no rep the entire team must repeat the full movement on the correct side of the worm.